olux کنترل خط تولید
STUDENT SERVICES – Kunzangling Higher Secondary School



Social Support:

Academic and Career Support services:

Academic support services: moral talks by the teachers in the tutorial classes, identifying best student of the year, conducting term test & dictation, identifying high & low achiever and providing support.

Career Support: Goal setting, identifying strengths and weaknesses in different subjects, observing career day, talking about different jobs and eligibility criteria.

Any other support and services carried out by the students: Scouting, Nature Club, helping paddy plantation and harvesting for needy farmers, participating in the local festivals and religious ceremonies.

  1. Introduction of IT course from classes VII-X
  2. Remedial classes every day for the needy students and the low achievers by the teachers.
  3. Circle time on Wednesdays.
  4. Guided reading sessions on Saturdays and Sundays.
  5. Weekly test

School Achievements:

The school is striving for conducive physical and psycho-social ambiances and cultural greenery without any compromise on the quality of education.

Infrastructure Development:

  1. Six-Unit classroom (2017)
  2. 180 bedded hostel for Girls (2018)
  3. Four Unit staff quarter (2019)
  4. Jamyang Phodrang (2018)
  5. Parking for Vehicle (2018)

Repainting of buildings (2020)